August 4, 1805
This morning Captain Lewis proceeded early, and after
going southeast by east for four miles, reaching a bold running
creek, twelve yards wide, with clear cold water, furnished apparently
by four drains from the snowy mountains on the left; after passing
this creek he changed his direction to southeast, and leaving
the valley in which he had traveled for the last two days, entered
another which bore east. At the distance of three miles on this
course he passed a handsome little river, about thirty yards
wide, which winds through the valley: the current is not rapid
nor the water very clear, but it affords a considerable quantity
of water, and appears as if it might be navigable for some miles.
The banks are low, and the bed formed of stone and gravel. He
now changed his route to southwest, and passing a high plain
which separates the valleys, returned to the more southern or
that which he had left: in passing this he found a river about
forty-five yards wide, the water of which has a whitish blue
tinge, with a gentle current, and a gravelly bottom. This he
waded and found it waist deep.
He then
continued down it, till at the distance of three quarters of
a mile he saw the entrance of the small river he had just passed;
as he went on two miles lower down, he found the mouth of the
creek he had seen in the morning. Proceeding further on three
miles, he arrived at the junction of this river, with another
which rises from the southwest, runs through the south valley
about twelve miles before it forms its junction, where it is
fifty yards wide: we now found that our camp of last night was
about a mile and a half above the entrance of this large river,
on the right side. This is a bold, rapid, clear stream, but
its bed is so much obstructed by gravelly bars, and subdivided
by islands, that the navigation must be very insecure, if not
impracticable. The other or middle stream, has about two thirds
its quantity of water, and is more gentle, and may be safely
navigated. As far as it could be observed, its course was about
southwest, but the opening of the valley induced him to believe
that farther above it turned more towards the west. Its water
is more turbid and warmer than that of the other branch, whence
it may be presumed to have its sources at a greater distance
in the mountains, and to pass through a more open country. Under
this impression he left a note recommending to captain Clarke
the middle fork, and then continued his course along the right
side of the other, or more rapid branch.
traveling twenty-three miles he near a place where the river
leaves the valley and enters the mountain. Here he encamped
for the night. The country he passed is like that of the rest
of this valley, though there is more timber in this part on
the rapid fork than there has been on the river in the same
extent since we entered it; for on some parts of the valley
the Indians seem to have destroyed a great proportion of the
little timber there was, by setting fire to the bottoms. He
saw some antelopes, deer, cranes, geese and ducks of the two
species common to this country, though the summer duck has ceased
to appear, nor does it seem to be an inhabitant of this part
of the river.
We proceeded soon after sunrise: the first five miles we passed
four bends on the left, and several bayous on both sides. At
eight o'clock we stopped to breakfast, and found the note Captain
Lewis had written on the 2d instant. During the next four miles,
we passed three small bends of the river to the right, two small
islands, and two bayous on the same side. Here we reached a
bluff on the left; our next course was six miles to our encampment.
In this course we met six circular bends on the right, and several
small bayous, and halted for the night in a low ground of cottonwood
on the right. Our days journey, though only fifteen miles in
length, was very fatiguing. The river is still rapid and the
water though clear is very much obstructed by shoals or ripples
at every two or three hundred yards: at all these places we
are obliged to drag the canoes over the stones as there is not
a sufficient depth of water to float them, and in the other
parts the current obliges us to have recourse to the cord. But
as the brushwood on the banks will not permit us to walk on
shore, we are under the necessity of wading through the river
as we drag the boats. This soon makes our feet tender, and sometimes
occasions severe falls over the slippery stones; and the men
by being constantly wet are becoming more feeble. In the course
of the day the hunters killed two deer, some geese and ducks,
and the party saw antelopes, cranes, beaver and otter.
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