December 27, 1804
Thursday, 27th. A little fine snow fell this morning
and the air was colder than yesterday, with a high northwest
wind. We were fortunate enough to have among our men a good
blacksmith, whom we set to work to make a variety of articles;
his operations seemed to surprise the Indians who came to see
us, but nothing could equal their astonishment at the bellows,
which they considered as a very great medicine. Having heretofore
promised a more particular account of the Sioux, the following
may serve as a general outline of their history:
Almost the whole of that vast tract of country comprised between
the Mississippi, the Red River of Lake Winnepeg, the Saskaskawan,
and the Missouri, is loosely occupied by a great nation whose
primitive name is Darcota, but who are called Sioux by the French,
Sues by the English. Their original seats were on the Mississippi,
but they have gradually spread themselves abroad and become
subdivided into numerous tribes. Of these, what may be considered
as the Darcotas are the Mindawarcarton, or Minowakanton, known
to the French by the name of the Gens du Lac, or People of the
Lake. Their residence is on both sides of the Mississippi near
the falls of St. Anthony, and the probable number of their warriors
about three hundred. Above them, on the river St. Peter's, [146]is
the Wahpatone, a smaller band of nearly two hundred men; and
still farther up the same river below Yellow-wood river are
the Wahpatootas or Gens de Feuilles, an inferior band of not
more than one hundred men; while the sources of the St. Peter's
are occupied by the Sisatoones, a band consisting of about two
hundred warriors.
These bands rarely if ever approach the Missouri, which is occupied
by their kinsmen the Yanktons and the Tetons. The Yanktons are
of two tribes, those of the plains, or rather of the north,
a wandering race of about five hundred men, who roam over the
plains at the heads of the Jacques, the Sioux, and the Red river;
and those of the south, who possess the country between the
Jacques and Sioux rivers and the Desmoine. But the bands of
Sioux most known on the Missouri are the Tetons. The first who
are met on ascending the Missouri is the tribe called by the
French the Tetons of the Boise Brule or Burntwood, who reside
on both sides of the Missouri, about White and Teton rivers,
and number two hundred warriors. Above them on the Missouri
are the Teton Okandandas, a band of one hundred and fifty men
living below the Chayenne river, between which and the Wetarhoo
river is a third band, called Teton Minnakenozzo, of nearly
two hundred and fifty men; and below the Warreconne is the fourth
and last tribe of Tetons of about three hundred men, and called
Teton Saone. Northward of these, between the Assiniboine and
the Missouri, are two bands of Assiniboines, one on Mouse river
of about two hundred men, and called Assiniboine Menatopa; the
other, residing on both sides of White river, called by the
French Gens de Feuilles, and amounting to two hundred and fifty
men. Beyond these a band of Assiniboines of four hundred and
fifty men, and called the Big Devils, wander on the heads of
Milk, Porcupine, and Martha's rivers; while still farther to
the north are seen two bands of the same nation, one of five
hundred and the other of two hundred, roving on the Saskaskawan.
Those [147]Assiniboines are recognised by a similarity of language,
and by tradition as descendents or seceders from the Sioux;
though often at war are still acknowledged as relations. The
Sioux themselves, though scattered, meet annually on the Jacques,
those on the Missouri trading with those on the Mississippi.
December 28, 1804
Friday, 28th. The wind continued high last night, the
frost severe, and the snow drifting in great quantities through
the plains.
December 29, 1804
Saturday, 29th. There was a frost fell last night nearly
one quarter of an inch in depth, which continued to fall till
the sun had gained some height: the mercury at sunrise stood
at 9° below 0: there were a number of Indians at the fort in
the course of the day.
December 30, 1804
Sunday, 30th. The weather was cold, and the thermometer
20° below 0. We killed one deer, and yesterday one of the men
shot a wolf. The Indians brought corn, beans, and squashes,
which they very readily gave for getting their axes and kettles
mended. In their general conduct during these visits they are
honest, but will occasionally pilfer any small article.
December 31, 1804
Monday, 31. During the night there was a high wind which
covered the ice with hillocks of mixed sand and snow: the day
was however fine, and the Indians came in great numbers for
the purpose of having their utensils repaired.
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