The Journals
of Lewis and Clark: Dates January 7, 1805 - January
11, 1805
The following
excerpts are taken from entries of the Journals of Lewis
and Clark. Dates: January 7, 1805 - January 11, 1805
7, 1805
Monday 7. The weather was again clear and cold with
a high northwest wind, and the thermometer at sunrise
22° below 0; the river fell an inch. Shahaka the Big
White chief dined with us, and gave a connected sketch
of the country as far as the mountains.
January 8, 1805
Tuesday 8. The wind was still from the northwest,
the day cold, and we received few Indians at the fort.
Besides the buffalo dance we have just described, there
is another called medicine dance, an entertainment given
by any person desirous of doing honor to his medicine
or genius. He announces, that on such a day he will
sacrifice his horses, or other property, and invites
the young females of the village to assist in rendering
homage to his medicine; all the inhabitants may join
in the solemnity, which is performed in the open plain
and by daylight, but the dance is reserved for the virgins
or at least the unmarried females, who disdain the incumbrance
or the ornament of dress. The feast is opened by devoting
the goods of the master of the feast to his medicine,
which is represented by a head of the animal itself,
or by a medicine bag if the deity be an invisible being.
The young women then begin the dance, in the intervals
of which each will prostrate herself before the assembly
to challenge or reward the boldness of the youth, who
are often tempted by feeling or the hopes of distinction
to achieve the adventure.
January 9, 1805
Wednesday 9. The weather is cold, the thermometer
at sunrise 21° below 0. Kagohami breakfasted with us,
and captain Clarke with three or four men accompanied
him and a party of Indians to hunt, in which they were
so fortunate as to kill a number of buffalo: but they
were incommoded by snow, by high and squally winds,
and by extreme cold; several of the Indians came to
the fort nearly frozen, others are missing, and we are
uneasy, for one of our men who was separated from the
rest during the chase has not returned: In the morning,