The Journals
of Lewis and Clark: Dates May 8, 1805 - May 11, 1805
The following
excerpts are taken from entries of the Journals of Lewis
and Clark. Dates: May 8, 1805 - May 11, 1805
May 8, 1805
Wednesday 8. A light breeze from the east carried us
sixteen miles, till we halted for dinner at the entrance
of a river on the north. Captain Clarke who had walked
on the south, on ascending a high point opposite to
its entrance discovered a level and beautiful country
which it watered; that its course for twelve or fifteen
miles was N.W. when it divided into two nearly equal
branches, one pursuing a direction nearly north, the
other to the W. of N.W: its width at the entrance is
one hundred and fifty yards, and on going three miles
up, Captain Lewis found it to be of the same breadth,
and sometimes more; it is deep, gentle, and has a large
quantity of water; its bed is principally of mud, the
banks abrupt, about twelve feet in height, and formed
of a dark, rich loam and blue clay; the low grounds
near it are wide and fertile, and possess a considerable
proportion of cottonwood and willow. It seems to be
navigable for boats and canoes, and this circumstance
joined to its course and the quantity of water, which
indicates that it passes through a large extent of country,
we are led to presume that it may approach the Saskashawan
and afford a communication with that river.
The water has a peculiar
whiteness, such as might be produced by a tablespoon
full of milk in a dish of tea, and this circumstance
induced us to call it Milk river. In the evening we
had made twenty-seven miles, and encamped on the south.
The country on that side consists in general of high
broken hills, with much gray, black and brown granite
scattered over the surface of the ground. At a little
distance from the river there is no timber on either
side, the wood being confined as below to the margin
of the river; so that unless the contrary is particularly
mentioned, it is always understood that the upland is
perfectly naked, and that we consider the low grounds
well timbered if even a fifth be covered with wood.
The wild liquorice is found in great abundance on these
hills, as is also the white apple. As usual we are surrounded
by buffalo, elk, common and black tailed deer, beaver,
antelopes and wolves. We observed a place where an Indian
had recently taken the hair off an antelope's skin,
and some of the party thought they distinguished imperfectly
some smoke and Indian lodges up Milk river, marks which
we are by no means desirous of realizing, as the Indians
are probably Assiniboines, and might be very troublesome.
9, 1805
9th. We again had a favorable wind and sailed along
very well. Between four and five miles we passed a large
island in a deep bend to the north, and a large sandbar
at the upper point. At fifteen and a quarter miles we
reached the bed of a most extraordinary river which
presents itself on the south: though as wide as the
Missouri itself, that is about half a mile, it does
not discharge a drop of water and contains nothing but
a few standing pools. On ascending it three miles we
found an eminence from which we saw the direction of
the channel, first south for ten or twelve miles, then
turning to the east of southeast as far as we could
see; it passes through a wide valley without timber,
and the surrounding country consists of waving low hills
interspersed with some handsome level plains; the banks
are abrupt and consist of a black or yellow clay; or
of a rich sandy loam, but though they do not rise more
than six or eight feet above the bed, they exhibit no
appearance of being overflowed: the bed is entirely
composed of a light brown sand, the particles of which
like [212]those of the Missouri are extremely fine.
Like the dry rivers
we passed before, this seemed to have discharged its
waters recently, but the watermark indicated that its
greatest depth had not been more than two feet: this
stream, if it deserve the name, we called Bigdry river.
About a mile below is a large creek on the same side,
which is also perfectly dry: the mineral salts and quartz
are in large quantities near this neighborhood. The
sand of the Missouri from its mouth to this place has
been mixed with a substance which we had presumed to
be a granulated chalk, but which is most probably this
quartz. The game is now in great quantities, particularly
the elk and buffalo, which last is so gentle that the
men are obliged to drive them out of the way with sticks
and stones. The ravages of the beaver are very apparent:
in one place the timber was entirely prostrated for
a space of three acres in front on the river and one
in depth, and great part of it removed, although the
trees were in large quantities, and some of them as
thick as the body of a man. At the distance of twenty-four
miles we encamped, after making twenty-five and a half
miles, at the entrance of a small creek in a bend on
the north; to which we gave the name of Werner's creek
after one of our men.
For several days past the river has been as wide as
it generally is near its mouth, but as it is much shallower,
crowded with sandbars, and the color of the water has
become much clearer, we do not yet despair of reaching
the Rock mountains, for which we are very anxious.